The World Pea Shooting Championship 2019
Count Down To The World Championship 09 Days, 22 Hours, 49 Minutes, 01 Seconds.
Saturday the 13th of July 2019 at Witcham sees the 49th holding of the World Pea Shooting Championship &
Village Fair on the Recreation Field at 12 pm. (Competition starts around 1pm).
This is the main fund raising event of the year for the upkeep of the Village Hall.
Entry on the day: Price individuals £4, £2 for juniors, teams adult £10, £4 for juniors.
Peashooters and peas (maple peas) will be on sale. Get your pea shooters and peas in advance of the event
from The White Horse Pub in the Village they will also have a practice area.
Scoring: The target consists of three circles of putty; the inner circle scores 5 points, the middle circle 3 and the outer circles 1 point.
This year a prize for the under 16s for the most
innovative peashooting device ( be it creatively decorated or technically brilliant!)
A Practice area will be available on the Village Green, anyone can do it, even Grandma!
This a great fun day out for all the family,
apart from our Championship we also have: - Bouncy Castle, Animal Experience, Novelty Games, Face Painting, Draws,
Bottle Stalls, Bric-a-Brac, Books, Plants, Soft Drinks,
Ice Cream, a Lunch-time Barbecue, and Cream Teas served in the Hall.
Licensed Bar with Cask Ale In The Village Hall
Note:- Dogs ( apart from assistance dogs ) are not allowed on the Recreation Field.
A standard small pitch will cost £10, if you would like to have a pitch on the day or have any questions contact