World Sign Spinning Championships
Kendric Washington
photo credit: Barbara Maeker Photography
Sign Spinning, like many great pursuits, began as a way to relieve boredom. One guy with a sign decided he’d start flipping it around. Soon another saw it and started doing it too. And as it goes, competition broke out and a sport was born.
In fact, competition at the core of not only the sport of sign spinning, but the business of it.
We talked to Justin Brown who has been a sign spinner since the early days of sign spinning and still works for Aarrow Sign Spinners - THE name in sign spinning. Justin takes us on a journey through the history and business of sign spinning and how the World Championship found a home in Las Vegas.
After Justin we talk to a couple of competitors. These guys have incredible passion that matches their agility and creativity with the signs.
Ray Rivera, former World Champ is now the 3rd ranked sign spinner. Hailing from Houston, he has been at it for a while and has found a home and a voice in sign spinning.
Tyler Cartright, hails from our home town of Atlanta, so he is awesome. Plus, he is currently ranked number 2 in the world. Sign spinning has given him the opportunity to see the world, which we encourage.
Kendric Washington is the champ we need. Ranked #1 in the world, he fills us in on the community of spinners, both online and in real life.
We really had a blast talking to these guys. The skill they bring to the sport is incredible. The tricks are a combination of acrobatics and creativity. Cool stuff. We hope you enjoy it!
If you have an idea for an event we should check out, drop us a line at:
Here are some picture of the 2018 World Sign Spinning Championships that took place this year in Las Vegas!
cover photo: Unknown Sign Spinner
All photos: Barbara Maeker Photography via
Ray Rivera
photo credit: Barbara Maeker Photography
Tyler Cartwright
photo credit: Barbara Maeker Photography
Spinner: Kalvin. Don’t know what this is called, but surely it’s in the Tricktionary.
photo credit: Barbara Maeker Photography
Unknown, but he’s awesome.
photo credit: Barbara Maeker Photography
Mia gets twisted.
photo credit: Barbara Maeker Photography
Peter S.
photo credit: Barbara Maeker Photography
photo credit: Barbara Maeker Photography